19. januar 2011

2010 was the year..

..that we went to Hawaii & drank alot of starbucks coffee<3

..ate the BEST sushi!

..had the best wiew!

.. I bought the wallet of my dreams<3

..we ate breakfast at this amazing place for a whole week<3

.. I finally got my hands on a Shave Ice again:)

.. we had flamingos in our hotel garden.

.. we went to beautiful rainforest gardens.

..where I got proposed to<3

Happily engaged<3

.. we spent alot of time at the cabin.

.. at R&R festival in Stavanger where I finally got to see The Prodigy!

.. I got this beautiful tea set as an engament gift from my mom & dad<3

.. I got pregnant!

.. we renovated Bik Bok Amanda:)

.. we went to Oslo with many sweet Bik Bok managers:)

.. Jenny Skavlan releases her collection for Bik Bok.

.. we opened a new Bik Bok store in Stavanger:)

.. me & my family travels to Oslo to see A - ha´s final consert..

.. my babybump starts showing:)


.. there was alot of snow at christmas eve<3

.. we celebrated new years eve at our place.

Happy New year! 

12 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

kjempe kjekt å få se så mange fine bilder! Og du var så nydelig i den blå julekjolen! Graviditeten gjør at du stråler.Så glad på dine vegne for at du har det så bra,selv om jeg ikke kjenner deg,men leser bloggen din fast;)

Ladybird sa...

Kjære vene, så hyggelig å se. Jeg ante ikke at du skulle få en liten baby, eller at du har blitt forlovet. Du får gratulere med begge deler! vakker er du!

Unknown sa...

LOVE ur hair in the pic with the white dress!
great year for you

Anonym sa...

you are so beautiful!<3
and you have a great babybump!

Ramona sa...

Oh, You had an amazing year!!
Happy for both of You.You are gorgeous couple!
Oh, and it's a boy!! Congrats!!

xo Ra

Ramona sa...

Oh, You had an amazing year!!
Happy for both of You.You are gorgeous couple!
Oh, and it's a boy!! Congrats!!

xo Ra

Tessi sa...

Anonym: Tusen takk for så fine ord! Og tusen takk for du leser bloggen min:) Det setter jeg stor pris på skal du vite<3<3

Klem Tessi!

Tessi sa...

Ladybird: Tusen takk for koselige og snille ord<3<3

Klem til deg!

Tessi sa...

Fashion resort: Thank u so much! <3<3<3

Ramona: Thank u so much sweetheart<3

Maria sa...

Så bra jeg bestemte meg for å ta turen innom bloggen din via Monique sitt kommentar felt. :) Kjempefin blogg. Og så heldig med en liten guttebeby i magen :) Gratulerer! Du var så nydelig i den hvite og den blå kjolen med babymagen din!

Anonym sa...

ah you also gettin married? me too - in june. when will you? after you have givin birth to your baby boy? Greetz from Germany. XXX anita

Anonym sa...

love your pics! ;)